
"Vastly Less Murderous"

  From a great article on Aeon , arguing why a liberal democracy is the best form of government: "The cognitive scientist Steven Pinker contrasts liberal democracies with regimes based on demonising, concluding that: ‘democracies are vastly less murderous than alternative forms of government’. Like other modern writers, Pinker uses ‘democracy’ as shorthand for ‘liberal democracy’, meaning: popular sovereignty, rule of law, voting rights, human rights, free speech, equal opportunity, separation of church and state, distributive justice, and a market-based economy. Kenton: But it appears it is harder to maintain a democracy than to maintain a dictatorship. Being 'vastly less murderous' is good enough for me. Worth fighting for. And if we could ever actually obtain a semblance of 'justice for all,' well, that would be a bonus.

Southern universities lose talented applicants due to fears of pregnancy in a backwards state

  My friend is inclined to not let her daughter apply to Vanderbilt, because of the risk she might get pregnant in Tennessee. Wow. This could hurt Duke, UT Austin, Washington University St Louis, Emory and other good southern schools as well. When I attended Vanderbilt, one of the best parts of it was meeting students from all over the country and the world. When we lose geographic diversity in our universities, we lose a lot. All because of idiocy and hatred in state legislatures. It's another form of a war against education. (photo credit: Shutterstock)

Suburb in The Netherlands requires that you grow your own food

  A suburb in The Netherlands requires that every homeowner grow food on at least half of their property! There are so many reasons why this is brilliant: 1. While a lawn has good uses--cut grass is the best plant for resisting heavy foot traffic, and it's pleasant to sit on. But lawn is a monoculture. Not very good for the environment, especially when we pour gallons of synthetic chemicals into it, which kill beneficial soil organisms. Therefore, anything that replaces some lawn with other plants is good. 2. You save money when you grow your own food. Yes, there are $40 tomatoes, but those gardeners are doing it wrong ;) That $20 semi-dwarf apple tree that you planted with $7 of chicken manure and $5 worth of mulch will turn into $100s of dollars of good fruit. That $3 6-pack of kale will feed you greens, which would cost maybe $50 in the store, for an entire year. 3. You get fresher, riper produce if you grow it yourself. 4. Your food supply is more sustainable if there is a mas...

What is the right role for AI?

  My fellow writers in the Speculative Fiction Writers Group are so thoughtful. Right now, many of us are upset, thinking about the news that Harper Collins will start giving its human authors' work product to AI, in order to develop the ability of AI to write its own fiction. There are so many ways to think about this: On the 'pro' side, Th ere are so many examples of tech replacing humans : In farming we have tractors and huge combines now , not rows of serfs . In weaving we have automated looms , not teams of weavers . In the kitchen we have food processors , not six sous chefs . Y et this 'let 's replace writers ' push is so worrying . Is that because we writers want to write and don't want to be replaced ? Should the rule be "use AI only where humans want the AI ? ' In which case , who gets to decide ? I think the main arguments against using AI to write creative fiction is this: A I should be a tool that assists humans , not a replacement fo...

The media is over-worrying about 3000 North Korean soldiers being sent to Ukraine

  Several thoughts about 3000 North Korean soldiers headed to Ukraine: a. Countries in a war always seek allied soldiers to help them. The US does it all the time. There is nothing immoral about it (except war itself is immoral of course). b. A retired US general said these are inexperienced N.Korean kids who may know how to goosestep but they will get mowed down in short order by the Ukrainians, the most-experienced, hardest-edged soldiers in the world right now. c. North Korea's entry is spurring S.Korea to give much more aid to Ukraine, and S.Korea's high-tech military arsenal has the best electronics in the world. So it's likely N.Korea's entry will turn out embarrassing for both Russia and N.Korea. Meanwhile, as the war drags on, it will become, in hindsight, a monumental diplomatic and military tragedy for the Biden administration, which gave just enough aid to prevent Ukraine from losing, but not enough for winning, and at some point the steady dying of Ukrainian...

As the World Warms

  From an 'environmental stability' perspective, we'd like to see fossil fuel usage declining, while renewable energy use increases. Well, we have the 2nd part, but not the first one: Fossil fuel use continues to grow, as overall energy demand keeps increasing worldwide. Buckle up, everybody--the world will keep getting warmer and the storms worse. (Photo credit: The

An Old Man Muses on our Recent Presidents

  HW Bush (the father) had honorable military and CIA service, and was the last Republican who was intelligent, honorable, and competent, though I disagreed with many of his positions. Romney comes to mind as an intelligent, honorable man, though he lost. Then there were a pair of unsatisfactory Republicans: one an idiot and the other both an idiot and dishonest: younger Bush (who tormented us when we lived in TX; his greatest failure was starting unnecessary wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which cost trillions and permanent brain injuries in thousands of American soldiers), and Trump, a narcissistic Facist who understands almost nothing except how to berate and antagonize others for personal gain. Most of the less-educated citizens now follow that party. The Democrats fare a little better. Clinton was a moral scuz but most of his positions were good for the country (except his excessive support of Big Business), and Clinton has the distinction of being the last President who oversaw...