
Should we just give coastal Florida back to nature?

  I try to think like a Futurist. (That isn't to say that I ever do it well.) But the question churning in my mind is: At what point do we need to de-populate the coastal areas of Florida? I could imagine giving everything below, say, 50' elevation in Florida back to nature, and people would simply be moved to higher ground. Let Nature take over the coasts. People could go there for the day to play on the beach or marvel at the crumbling post-modern buildings as they rusted back to ground. That's short term thinking, however, as yet another hurricane forms to slam into Florida's west coast. Long-term thinking would be to anticipate 50' sea level rise, or even 200', when/if all the land ice melts. Might as well get started now in our preparations, instead of just rebuilding over and over in places where the new construction will only be destroyed again. That feels futile and misguided. And if Governor Desantis finds himself king of a smaller and smaller land, th

"Wow" learnings about plants

This week in my classes (to become a certified Organic Master Gardener), we're learning how plants exchange information and material with other plants, bacteria, and fungi, in complex symbiotic relationships. Here are a few random things I'm learning this week, which are 'wow' items to me: 1. N-fixing bacteria live on the plants' roots, extracting N2 from the air. Plants can't do that, but they take the N2 from the bacteria and they give some carbohydrates to the bacteria, in return. Perfect symbiosis.  2. Also, plants emit CO2 not just through leaves, but also thru roots, and this stores carbon in the soil. It slowly rises and gets released under the forest canopy, where trees prefer it to having to take it in from the air above the canopy.  3. Grass is toxic to trees, in a manner of speaking. Scientists don't think it's just competition--they believe grass can exude a chemical which retards tree growth, just as some trees do vs other plants. There are

...and another famous man is accused of sexual assault:

  Neil Gaiman (author of American Gods, Good Omens, and many other books) is accused of sexual assault by two women. I asked Alexa to name some famous men accused of sexual assault, and she wouldn't respond. I guess there were too many for Alexa to try to list. Here's the point: It has to be a perverted, sick power thing, because surely any famous writer can certainly attract a willing partner, if they just put in some effort, right? So to go instead for non-consensual assault is incredibly sick, and needs to get massive monetary damages paid to the victims, plus super-long prison time. Being famous or successful does not give you any greater rights under the law than anyone else.

Dom Perignon is tossing an entire vintage

  1. Dom Perignon is tossing its entire 2023 vintage. It's just not good enough. This is one of those lessons that most of us winemakers may not be sensitive enough to. After years of making rose wine from Leon Millot (and winning lots of silver medals for it), I've finally decided I just don't like it enough, and won't make it again. This is partly because my abler winemaker friends are making killer-good reds from both Leon and Foch. I used to make Leon red, and yes I would let it spike to 85F to remove some of the herbaceous notes,  but people didn't like it unless it was aged a few years. But these younger winemakers are adding oak to the primary ferm, and removing the wine and cap from the seeds as soon as they can, and their wines are amazing. Leon is such a perfect grape for here that I simply must find some ways to use it. It was 25% of my red blend that won Gold this year, so that is one good way (blended with Valentin Blattner's Labelle, Ukraine's

If you ever think Paris is snooty, you are doing Paris wrong!

  Kudos to France. Aside from a coupla terrorist attacks, the nation nailed a great Olympic games. I have never had a bad experience in France. Such a wonderful country. Even in Paris, after 26,000 steps one day (the Louvre, the Catacombs, the Pompideau, Notre Dame and the Celtic city beneath is, and the Seine riverwalk), when we were dog tired, and found a Bistro open late, and the menu was too much for me, I asked our server, "Excusez-moi, but do you speak English?" and he winked at me and said, "Sometimes," and then took care of us. Wonderful dinner; huge tip; and we made a new friend. If you ever think Paris is snooty, you are just doing it wrong. My best advice to Americans is: The Europeans are way ahead of us. Be more like the best of them.

What is a Woman?

  Re the much-maligned female Algerian boxer : 1. I wish all people could just compete against each other, in every sport, not separated by gender, but I know that's not realistic. In soccer, I've long thought our phenomenal women's soccer team could probably beat the always-disappointing mens team. Could our kids' kids' kids someday see a genderless games? 2. Aren't there MANY factors affecting gender? chromosomes, anatomy, hormones, the way you were socialized, your own vision of yourself... 3. If we're going to separate genders in sports, don't we need an agreed-upon boundary between men and women? The same tests for all sports? Black and white guidelines, so there is no dispute. Is such a delineation possible? Whatever we have now, sux. What we have now denigrates women who have worked themselves incessantly, to become great. So what if a woman "looks like a man?" So what if "a man looks like a woman?" The urgent need to categoriz

The Power of a Long Table

  It's true: In the US we are too isolated from each other. All restaurants' tables should be mostly long ones, where strangers can mingle and exchange ideas, and as we learn to appreciate a diversity of thoughts, perhaps we will not be quite so quick to kill each other randomly.