Suburb in The Netherlands requires that you grow your own food

 A suburb in The Netherlands requires that every homeowner grow food on at least half of their property!

There are so many reasons why this is brilliant:

1. While a lawn has good uses--cut grass is the best plant for resisting heavy foot traffic, and it's pleasant to sit on. But lawn is a monoculture. Not very good for the environment, especially when we pour gallons of synthetic chemicals into it, which kill beneficial soil organisms. Therefore, anything that replaces some lawn with other plants is good.

2. You save money when you grow your own food. Yes, there are $40 tomatoes, but those gardeners are doing it wrong ;) That $20 semi-dwarf apple tree that you planted with $7 of chicken manure and $5 worth of mulch will turn into $100s of dollars of good fruit. That $3 6-pack of kale will feed you greens, which would cost maybe $50 in the store, for an entire year.

3. You get fresher, riper produce if you grow it yourself.

4. Your food supply is more sustainable if there is a massive economic upset, such as from The Big Earthquake, or a major financial depression.

5. You lengthen your life when you garden. And it improves your mental health.

6. Less gasoline is burned in trucking, if more food is grown locally.

7. Every Fall you're resupplying your compost pile with mountains of spent vegetable matter, and so you're improving your soil gradually over time once you add compost (and chicken manure) to your dirt. This is a legacy gift to the next generation.

So, get planting!

(Photo credit: Pixabay (free))


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