The media is over-worrying about 3000 North Korean soldiers being sent to Ukraine

 Several thoughts about 3000 North Korean soldiers headed to Ukraine:

a. Countries in a war always seek allied soldiers to help them. The US does it all the time. There is nothing immoral about it (except war itself is immoral of course).
b. A retired US general said these are inexperienced N.Korean kids who may know how to goosestep but they will get mowed down in short order by the Ukrainians, the most-experienced, hardest-edged soldiers in the world right now.
c. North Korea's entry is spurring S.Korea to give much more aid to Ukraine, and S.Korea's high-tech military arsenal has the best electronics in the world. So it's likely N.Korea's entry will turn out embarrassing for both Russia and N.Korea.

Meanwhile, as the war drags on, it will become, in hindsight, a monumental diplomatic and military tragedy for the Biden administration, which gave just enough aid to prevent Ukraine from losing, but not enough for winning, and at some point the steady dying of Ukrainians will take too much of a toll. Biden feared Putin too much; he should've taken all the restraints off of Ukraine and pushed NATO to admit Ukraine ASAP.

Harris should either floodgate military aid to Ukraine, with a timetable to either win or sue for peace, or force them to sue for peace now, using the current borders. Most of the people in eastern Ukraine want to be with Russia anyway.

(Photo credit: Getty Images)


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