What is a Woman?

 Re the much-maligned female Algerian boxer:

1. I wish all people could just compete against each other, in every sport, not separated by gender, but I know that's not realistic. In soccer, I've long thought our phenomenal women's soccer team could probably beat the always-disappointing mens team. Could our kids' kids' kids someday see a genderless games?
2. Aren't there MANY factors affecting gender? chromosomes, anatomy, hormones, the way you were socialized, your own vision of yourself...
3. If we're going to separate genders in sports, don't we need an agreed-upon boundary between men and women? The same tests for all sports? Black and white guidelines, so there is no dispute. Is such a delineation possible?

Whatever we have now, sux. What we have now denigrates women who have worked themselves incessantly, to become great. So what if a woman "looks like a man?" So what if "a man looks like a woman?" The urgent need to categorize people makes me sick.

I suppose this boils down to: What the heck is a woman? I honestly do not know. But I know this: You don't have to meet someone else's concept of what a woman looks like, to be a woman.


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