What does weaponized media have to do with the Presidential election?

 Answer: Everything.

This Presidential election was probably won before it even started. It is a winning strategy to weaponize the media to make its viewers believe lies.

The truth is that crime is down; the economy (by most measures) is very strong; 99.9% of illegal immigrants across the southern border are peaceful and contribute significantly to our society; COVID and other vaccines are safe and necessary; liberal policies are good for ordinary people. And yet more than half of US voters believe the opposite, and are highly motivated to return the former president to office.

I'm afraid that, when so many people are so easily brainwashed and led by fear, then it's just about over (this Freedom experiment) for all of us. I sure hope I'm wrong. But there is only so much "stupid" and "evil" that a fragile republic can withstand.

A republic requires, for its very existence, citizens who are educated and know how to think critically, and who stay involved and insist upon fairness and justice. Ben Franklin had a friend who asked him, "Are we getting a monarchy or a republic?" He answered, "a republic, Madam, if you can keep it."


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