The Worst Pair of Candidates for President in a Long, Long Time

 You know the nation is very sick, when it produces these two choices for President.

(1) The #1 issue for voters is the economy, but most voters don't realize that both candidates' Presidential administrations ran the national debt up dramatically, without objecting to the long-term damage it will cause. And the policies of both men will very likely cause real inflation (not the fake inflation numbers reported to us) to continue to surge, as the middle class continues to shrink and suffer.

(2) It makes me feel sick that the President is pandering to the Jewish vote so brazenly that he would brand as "outrageous" the ICC's rational decision to brand Netanyahu's genocide as a war crime. It seems clear that both Hamas and the Israeli leader have committed war crimes, and the US as a world leader should do something about it, instead of enabling the genocide.

(3) Trump panders/lies to his base on hot-button issues, but for him everything is really about enriching himself and screwing other people over. His only expertise is in bullying without thinking. Narcissism, bullying, and lying are hardly the characteristics of a great leader.

If we required voters to be educated about the economy, about international relations, about human rights, about how the media uses psychology to sway opinion, then there is no way they would nominate either of these guys. But we have voters who mostly don't understand any of that, and are easily swayed by dog whistled-fears, utterly oblivious to what's happening.

Wouldn't it be great if we had a leader who could make decisions based on what is right, instead of what is most likely to get him/her reelected?

There must be some way to organize a national write-in, for both partiies, of candidates who are qualified, moderate, and likely to think of the country first instead of themselves. But that will never happen, and so we lurch merrily down this rocky path, going too fast to even see what is ahead.


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