Continuing the Streak of "What's Awful:" Let's talk about Comcast/Xfinity
It is difficult to overstate how awful Comcast/Xfinity is. They jacked my rate for internet, from $61 to $82/month, with no notice. So I play the game by calling them (guess what--they don't provide their customer service # on their website, so you have to hunt online for it), and after long pauses over a 30 minute ordeal, they finally offer me $45/month.
The reduction actually pisses me off, because corporations owe a duty to their customers, and should set rates that provide a reasonable profit. At $82/month, clearly they are price-gouging if they are willing to offer $45/month. This should be illegal, and state attorneys general should be putting Comcast execs in jail.Making your customers notice the unannounced price increase, and making us hunt for your phone # (their online assistant couldn't help me with this), and making us call and wait and negotiate for a better rate, is the worst sort of customer service imaginable. OK, almost the worst. I suppose Comcast/Xfinity could come to my house and shoot me. That would be worse. I hope the Comcast senior officers go to an afterlife where everything they want--every breath, every drink of water--goes up in price daily, and in order to get them more cheaply, they must be negotiated.
I've asked my town and CenturyLink to bring fiber to my town, but so far no luck. This is despite C'Link's providing such service to the adjoining town, and they provide plain old phone service here in our our town. And our town is the fastest-growing in the state, so one might think the phone company might put fiber, or at least DSL, into it.
Isn't life great?
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