Non-binary kid beaten to death in Oklahoma

 Nex Benedict was a non-binary person in a Tulsa-area high school. Nex was born female (according to what I've read). As I understand it, the girls' bathroom is the one which Oklahoma's Anti-Trans law says Nex should use. So I find it particularly ghoulish that Nex was beaten to death by fellow students, when using the girls' restroom.

Note that Oklahoma's cruel, inhumane "Anti-Trans Bathroom Law" wouldn't apply to this situation (I think), because it would've stopped a trans girl (a person born a boy) from using the girls' bathroom, but Nex was not a trans girl (right?) and had been born (according to articles I read) with girl anatomy. So we could say that Nex was killed despite complying with the law.

It appears that Nex was beaten, and died, because Nex used the gender pronoun "they." Apart from how shocking it is--to kill a peer who uses a pronoun different from yours, it will be interesting to see what charges are brought against those who beat this person, and early reports suggest that an adult bathroom monitor did not act to prevent this violence, and the school officlals and local law enforcement did not initially take any responsibility.

I think the cause of this violence is the continued harping, by the Right, that all non-traditional gender types are defective and need to be restricted/limited. And that makes others think they are worth less as people. And that makes it OK to pass laws against them. And that makes idiots think it is OK to murder them.

A much easier, gentler position is to just treat everyone as a person, who deserves understanding and respect. One might think that a state in the Bible Belt would take that approach, but no. So I just have to say that the State of Oklahoma is, this week, starkly shown as the poster child for being an IDIOT and being VIOLENT and being HATEFUL. I wonder what gender that is. The least that any thinking person can do, is to boycott the state altogether (give no tourism or economic support to it) while keeping pressure on to try to persuade those governing there to change their laws and try to change the way some of their people think.


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