Classism versus Racism

 Heard an expert on classism-vs-racism. Most of the minority kids admitted to schools like Harvard and Berkeley, under their Affirmative Action programs, were from fairly well-to-do families, so that the AA program didn't do as much to help poor kids as it could have. Yet the schools got credit for "helping the poor kids." But not all kids from minority group families are poor (of course).

A better way to address inequity, in every phase of life (housing, schools, education, healthcare) would be to address classism (rich-vs-poor) as much as racism. I personally think it would really help this country if kids from less-educated families could be given high-end, free worldwide education for many years. They would earn more, and would learn how to think critically, and how to set and achieve goals for themselves, and they would be much less susceptible to conspiracy theories and the mind-tricks of would-be dictators.

This (liberal) researcher had negative things to say about liberals who live in upper-end housing/neighborhoods whose policies exclude the poor. I've always said it's easy to be a liberal if you live in a nice place. This is pretty fascinating to think about.


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