Biden's War in Gaza

 Heard a great piece on NPR this morning, about a growing group of Dems and Independents in Michigan who will vote "Uncommitted" in that state's primary (tomorrow?). They are protesting Biden's support for, and enabling of, Israel's slaughter of 30,000 Gazan civilians, and growing. Biden could stop that genocide with one phone call, but instead he's had the money tap wide open, giving whatever Israel asks for, but asking for no limitations whatsoever on Israel's conduct. It's our money that's killing innocent people over there.

Anyway, I love the idea of voting Uncommitted. In WA, it wouldn't matter, but in MI, it matters a huge amount--it's a swing state. If the Uncommitteds don't see some change in Biden's behavior, they are promising they will not vote for him in the Fall. Neither will I-I'm leaning towards Jill Stein of the Green Party.

When asked 'But what if your strategy results in Trump winning?' the spokesperson for the Uncommitted gave an awesome answer: "What could be worse than what's happening in Gaza?" (he cited dead kids and elderly, starving people, no place to live, etc.) 

It truly is Biden's War. He could stop it with one phone call.


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