What should we each do, to make the most impact in fighting climate change?

WashPost has a good article on how little most of us know (incuding me) re which steps are most important in fighting climate change.

Very important (in order):

Reduce our meat and dairy consumption***.
Cut your flying miles by 50 to 75%.
Insulate your house and stop leaks.
Replace a gas furnace with a heat pump.
Drive an electric car.
Don't buy as much new stuff.
Buy local (lower the # of your "shipping miles").
Vote for a climate-friendly candidate.
Not as important as we think they are (but we should still do them):
Install solar panels.
***If 3/4 of the people on Earth ate a plant diet, it would avoid 100 GIGATONS of emissions. And yet most people--influenced by corporate lying campaigns--see these as the least-helpful solutions.


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