Mercury in tuna:

Mercury in tuna: Got interested in this last week, and did some research (I'm not a trained nutritionist; do your own research). Here is an interesting piece in Consumer Reports, which I summarize here, with some other reading results: ***Eating too much mercury can wreck your nervous system and damage your brain. Some tuna have dangerously high mercury levels. But low-mercury tuna has very healthy fats in it, and should be eaten (unless you're vegetarian). 1. These brands of "Chunk Light" tuna, in water, are all OK (low-enough mercury to be considered safe, and everyone except pregnant women can eat up to 3 cans per week without a mercury concern): Bumble Bee, Chicken of the Sea, and Starkist. These are smaller fish which have less mercury in them. ("Light tuna" is mostly Skipjack tuna, which is best for having low mercury, but "light tuna" may also include yellowfin or Bigeye tuna, which are bad, and this is why individual cans of tuna can var...