So strange, this curious, and deadly, hatred of masks and safe vaccines!

 I keep wondering if we will see, this November, in some purple states like AZ and GA, whether the higher frequency of vax-denier COVID deaths results in some unexpected Democrat victories? Just asking in a neutral way; not gloating. I expect this November to be a disaster for the Dems...but when one side is killing itself off disproportionately and needlessly, we may see a weird voting pattern as a result, which actually favors the Dems.

It will never make sense how the same Republican politicians who got the damn vaccine, nevertheless pooh-poohed the Coronavirus and encouraged their constituents to resist mask mandates and vax programs. Sure, that would make sense if the mask requirements and vaccines were flawed, but they weren't. The fax is 99.99% safe and incredibly effective at saving lives.

The incredible arrogance of refusing to mask and refusing to get vaxxed, when the benefits are so plain, is astonishing. We had healthcare workers slaving away at all hours, to help us, even as not all of us were taking simple steps to reduce the epidemic. 

1. People who needlessly and callously made the epidemic worse, need to look over their shoulders after they die; they'd better hope there is no guy in front of the Pearly Gates, holding a clipboard and saying to them, "Dude! Did you know that you killed 13 people back in 2021???"

2. It would not be wrong to charge Republican officials who perpetuated this ignorant policy, merely for "ginning up the base," with crimes. 

And, meanwhile, let's see what happens this November in purple states, now that almost a million people have died, many of whom were Republicans who, without exercising minds of their own, drank the toxic Koolaid ladled out so hatefully by their elected masters.


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