"Wow" learnings about plants

This week in my classes (to become a certified Organic Master Gardener), we're learning how plants exchange information and material with other plants, bacteria, and fungi, in complex symbiotic relationships. Here are a few random things I'm learning this week, which are 'wow' items to me: 1. N-fixing bacteria live on the plants' roots, extracting N2 from the air. Plants can't do that, but they take the N2 from the bacteria and they give some carbohydrates to the bacteria, in return. Perfect symbiosis. 2. Also, plants emit CO2 not just through leaves, but also thru roots, and this stores carbon in the soil. It slowly rises and gets released under the forest canopy, where trees prefer it to having to take it in from the air above the canopy. 3. Grass is toxic to trees, in a manner of speaking. Scientists don't think it's just competition--they believe grass can exude a chemical which retards tree growth, just as some trees do vs other plants. There are ...