Biden's war in Gaza will fail

I'm not a single-issue voter; if I was, then for women's rights issues I would certainly vote for Biden. But we're facing other huge issues, on which I think Biden is failing grossly: Climate change, addressing the debt, and the Israeli war on Hamas are the best examples. Biden has leverage he could use, to mitigate Israel's genocide of the Palestinians, but instead Biden has encouraged it--enabled it, even. Israel's war will fail, and will only create more hatred of the US. Even if you don't consider the humanitarian aspect, it's not a very sound US strategy. And don't forget that in every war we've supported since WW2, we lost. Even if you don't care about the death/maiming of US soldiers and the world's civilians, our supporting war hasn't often been sound strategy (though in Ukraine, it may be). When turning away from a hapless Biden, what thoughtful person could vote for a narcissistic, self-aggrandizing criminal? But I would con...