An easy alternative to "No Mow May"

Most of us know that embracing diversity in human-to-human relationships is vital, and leads to better results in terms of overall justice, fairness, and group achievement. But diversity in many other areas is also important. Such as, diversity in your yard! Today I'm thinking about my neighbor's support of "No Mow May," where the idea is to allow flowers in what used to be your grassy lawn, in order to help important insects and other small animals. Golf course-style lawns are useless monocrops which hurt the planet. If you can't/won't just "not mow" (and I can't do that, due to HOA rules), then why not set your mower deck much higher, which will allow low flowers like clover, chamomile, and dandelions to flourish? And while you're at it, maybe stop wasting money on inorganic fertiizers and pesticides (which are poisonous killers)? Your planet will thank you. We should all be striving for diversity in our yards. Have a happy, diverse day! ...