Golden State retirees are leaving California by the thousands
I have an acquaintance who retired as a CA state employee, and was able to sell his CA house (probably with low or no mortgage balance) for a huge chunk of cash. Then he moved here (SW WA State) and bought a nice house, and a giant RV, with that cash, and he lives pretty richly on his CA pension. For him, it was a no-brainer, as the cost of living is lower here and he greatly improved his situation. He got a bigger, better house and better weather (including better protection from climate change here), and his living costs are lower. That's why many thousands (hundreds of thousands?) of Californians are moving to OR, WA, and ID. It makes one wonder if there are enough homebuyers in CA to soak up all that slack. But for us, the picture is different. He is a big load on CA taxpayers, and he's a loss to CA's economy (he's not spending his CA pension there). California is paying him, but he's spending that money in Washington. And this migration is raising real estate...